







Neil Peart

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Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Magazine articles - 6/21/06

I've been reading the Rolling Stone with the Chili Peppers on the cover. What an amazing set of articles.

Was the 2004 election stolen? by Robert F. Kennedy, JR. -- I keep thinking about something Tim Russert said when he visited my work: If you just read opinions that you agree with, then you're not really learning anything new. I know this article is one of those opinions I agree with -- but what a damning article it is. Sadly, as long as the Republicans control the House, the Senate, and the Presidency, nothing will happen to G.W.
Excerpt: "Like many Americans, I spent the evening of the 2004 election watching the returns on television and wondering how the exit polls, which predicted an overwhelming victory for John Kerry, had gotten it so wrong. By midnight, the official tallies showed a decisive lead for George Bush -- and the next day, lacking enough legal evidence to contest the results, Kerry conceded. Republicans derided anyone who expressed doubts about Bush's victory as nut cases in ''tinfoil hats,'' while the national media, with few exceptions, did little to question the validity of the election. The Washington Post immediately dismissed allegations of fraud as ''conspiracy theories,''(1) and The New York Times declared that ''there is no evidence of vote theft or errors on a large scale.''(2)"

Tatooed Love Boys by David Fricke -- The Red Hot Chili Peppers interviewed around the release of their new CD "Stadium Arcadium." Of course I went out and bought it after I read this and it is pretty damn good.

Dear Mister Fantasy - All about the mogul Merv Griffin and his television empire. He sounds like a cool guy.
posted by AndyO @ 10:14 PM   0 comments