Yamaha Stage Custom drum kit
Aaron's Raven Black Yamaha kit has taken many inspirations from Neil's latest setup, including the ride cymbal placement and a left-hand floor tom. But, as he says, "there's a lot of me in here too."
I've been following your page for some time now and I absolutely love it. Like
you, Neil's been my favorite drummer for years and years (since I was a pup
putting dents in the heads on my first used 4-piece set). Of course, as an adult
I have more money and can put together a more fitting approximation. I say
"approximation" since, while the layout and mechanics of the kit are obviously
inspired by Neil's latest setup, there's a lot of me it here too.
The kit is turn-of-the-millennium Yamaha Stage Customs in Raven Black that under
most lighting conditions strikes a balance between the 2112 smoky chromes, the
circa Presto Ludwig plum crazies, and the Permanent Waves/Moving Pictures
rosewood look. Sizes are 8x8, 9x10, 10x12, 12x14, 14x16, and 16x16 (that last
being an old repainted Ludwig floor tom to the left). Two LP mini-timbales and a
3.5x14 piccolo to the left recreate the "high-end" for this kit. The bass drum
is 16x20, which is my preferred size; the cymbals are Zildjian with two Wuhans
and an LP Rancan for Chinas. I have a tambourine, LP stealth block and a set of
cowbells off to the left to compensate for the (current) lack of electronics. I
have the whole thing mounted on a Gibraltar rack, which is much more sensible
for those of us without road crews.
I threw in a couple of other pictures of the sides of the kit as I rehearse with
my Monterey, California-based band
Smokey the Giant.
Again, thanks for the website - - see you again soon.
Aaron Parrott

Pictures from 2007