S.S. Professor Drum Kit Tour
Close encounter with Neil Peart's drums
Originally posted 9/27/05
Seeing Neil Peart's kit up close was something I'd always wanted to do. Sure, I'd been lucky enough to sit in the front row at a Rush concert (Roll the Bones tour, Seattle), but I knew seeing it only a few feet away at eye level would be a much different experience. And being able to hear Lorne Wheaton talk about the drums, as well as his experience with Neil Peart, also sounded very interesting.
It was one of those once-in-a-lifetime opportunities.
I also wanted to see one of my best friends, Brian, who moved down to Burbank in 2003 to continue his filmmaking career.
So I flew down to LA.
Tuesday, the day of the S.S. Professor clinic, I woke to the sound of thunder
ripping through the valley. Outside, rain pounded the sidewalk and streets.
Traffic snarled around Warner Bros. Studios across the street from Brian's
Brian woke up and said, "Do you have any idea how rare this is?" Oh, I knew. (Those of us from Seattle often bring the rain.)
A little later that morning, I called Guitar Center and asked when the event started. They said it would be earlier than 4:00 (the previously advertised time), and that I should plan on getting down there by 3:00.
Brian and I followed their recommendation and drove out around 3:00, eventually crawling down Sunset Boulevard.
The Guitar Center parking lot in the back was closed because of the event, so we drove around and found some parking in the neighborhood. When we walked in the store, they asked, "Here for the Neil Peart drum thing?" and pointed us to the back door.
We walked to the back door, and this is what we saw...
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